Creative Branding, Illustration & Photography 

I recently had the pleasure of redesigning the whole product range for the handsomely quirky Dapper Duke.

I met the owner Ian around 5 years ago, he ran a record label, I ran a record label and from there we hit it off. Over the years our passion for music has grown into our passion for beards. Ian has a mighty fine almost wizard looking beard, whilst mine is more Celtic red car crash.

I’ve seen The Dapper Duke go from strength to strength with products selling out at conventions, goods being stocked at barbers and salons, through the launch of a website and most recently being listed on These UK made oils are sublime with personal favourites being Cherry Bakewell and Tutti Frutti.

Visually most beard companies tend go for that rustic, old paper, back yard look so we wanted to try and come up with something that was clean, fresh and lent itself to the dapper name. With big bearded plans on the horizon I take my hat off and wish Ian all the success.